Chapter 7 - Opertation Flashpoint

Publié le par Kanard

opflash.jpgThree weeks that we are planning our move on this position. Crawling through fields, one yard at a time, making sure we took out any scouting party we met. We have managed to stay undetected and we should be able to see the enemy base right about now... *SHOT*

Oh, of course they saw us from three miles away without binoculars in the middle of the night... Of course.
Who is the genius who sent us against those guys? most of the men I lost never saw who was shooting at them. The worst part is that when we eventually managed to get to the camp, the only guys waiting there had standard issue rifles. How in hell could they shoot at us and get one shot kills with no visibility, no scope and no light? Those guys are not human... That is actually the problem for us. I can only see so far.
We had to retreat. But maybe this time I have the solution. The little hill we passed earlier provides a good spot for intel gathering. Their sentry don't do much else than walking up and down their detail so We have been able to count them all. So now, it's just a question of picking them off one by one.
It's weird shooting at a pixel since it's all I can see from where we are, but any closer means instant death, and I cannot even begin to imagine doing all that again. It's now or never. The pixel I'm lining in my sight seem to be getting bigger. Shit, they saw us, we're dead, they never miss.

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